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Stake Allocator


This contract also manages the allocation of stake. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol for in depth explanation of Subject Agency

Stake constants: totalStake = activeStake + inactiveStake activeStake(delegated) = allocatedStake(delegated) + unallocatedStake(delegated) activeStake(delegator) = allocatedStake(delegator) + unallocatedStake(delegator) allocatedStake(managed) = (allocatedStake(delegated) + allocatedStake(delegator)) / totalManagedSubjects(delegated) activeStake(managed) = inactiveStake(managed) = 0;


string version


event AllocatedStake(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, bool increase, uint256 amount, uint256 totalAllocated)


event UnallocatedStake(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, bool increase, uint256 amount, uint256 totalAllocated)


error SenderCannotAllocateFor(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject)


error CannotDelegateStakeUnderMin(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject)


error CannotDelegateNoEnabledSubjects(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject)


constructor(address _forwarder, address __subjectGateway, address _rewardsDistributor) public


function allocatedStakeFor(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) public view returns (uint256)

Active stake allocated on subject


function allocatedManagedStake(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) public view returns (uint256)

Total allocated stake in all managed subjects, both from delegated and delegator. Only returns values from DELEGATED types, else 0.


function allocatedStakePerManaged(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) external view returns (uint256)

Returns allocatedManagedStake (own + delegator's) in DELEGATED / total managed subjects, or 0 if not DELEGATED


function allocatedOwnStakePerManaged(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) public view returns (uint256)

Returns allocatedManagedStake (own only) in DELEGATED / total managed subjects, or 0 if not DELEGATED


function allocatedDelegatorsStakePerManaged(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) public view returns (uint256)

Returns allocatedManagedStake (delegators only) in DELEGATED / total managed subjects, or 0 if not DELEGATED


function unallocatedStakeFor(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) external view returns (uint256)

Total active stake not allocated on subjects


function allocateOwnStake(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 amount) external

owner of a DELEGATED subject moves tokens from its own unallocated to allocated. It will fail if allocating more than the max for managed stake.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
amount uint256 amount of stake to move from unallocated to allocated.


function unallocateOwnStake(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 amount) external

owner of a DELEGATED subject moves it's own tokens from allocated to unallocated.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
amount uint256 amount of incoming staked token.


function allocateDelegatorStake(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 amount) external

owner of a DELEGATED subject moves tokens from DELEGATOR's unallocated to allocated. It will fail if allocating more than the max for managed stake.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
amount uint256 amount of stake to move from unallocated to allocated.


function unallocateDelegatorStake(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 amount) external

owner of a DELEGATED subject moves it's own tokens from allocated to unallocated.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
amount uint256 amount of staked token.


function depositAllocation(uint256 activeSharesId, uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address allocator, uint256 stakeAmount, uint256 sharesAmount) external

Allocates stake on deposit (increment of activeStake) for a DELEGATED subject incrementing it's allocatedStake. If allocatedStake is going to be over the max for the corresponding MANAGED subject, the excess increments unallocatedStake.

Name Type Description
activeSharesId uint256 ERC1155 id representing the active shares of a subject / subjectType pair.
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
allocator address
stakeAmount uint256 amount of incoming staked token.
sharesAmount uint256 amount of minted active shares for stake


function withdrawAllocation(uint256 activeSharesId, uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address allocator, uint256 stakeAmount, uint256 sharesAmount) external

method to call when substracting activeStake. Will burn unallocatedStake (and allocatedStake if amount is bigger than unallocatedStake). If withdrawal leads to DELEGATED to be below staking minimum, unallocates delegators' stake.

Name Type Description
activeSharesId uint256 ERC1155 id representing the active shares of a subject / subjectType pair.
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
allocator address
stakeAmount uint256 amount of outgoing staked token.
sharesAmount uint256 amount of outgoing active shares


function didTransferShares(uint256 sharesId, uint8 subjectType, address from, address to, uint256 sharesAmount) external