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Forta Staking


_This is a generic staking contract for the Forta platform. It allows any account to deposit ERC20 tokens to delegate their "power" by staking on behalf of a particular subject. The subject can be scanner, or any other actor in the Forta ecosystem, who need to lock assets in order to contribute to the system.

Stakers take risks with their funds, as bad action from a subject can lead to slashing of the funds. In the meantime, stakers are elligible for rewards. Rewards distributed to a particular subject's stakers are distributed following to each staker's share in the subject.

Stakers can withdraw their funds, following a withdrawal delay. During the withdrawal delay, funds are no longer counting toward the active stake of a subject, but are still slashable.

The SLASHER_ROLE should be given to a smart contract that will be in charge of handling the slashing proposal process.

Stakers receive ERC1155 shares in exchange for their stake, making the active stake transferable. When a withdrawal is initiated, similarly the ERC1155 tokens representing the (transferable) active shares are burned in exchange for non-transferable ERC1155 tokens representing the inactive shares.

ERC1155 shares representing active stake are transferable, and can be used in an AMM. Their value is however subject to quick devaluation in case of slashing event for the corresponding subject. Thus, trading of such shares should be be done very carefully.

WARNING: To stake from another smart contract (smart contract wallets included), it must be fully ERC1155 compatible, implementing ERC1155Receiver. If not, minting of active and inactive shares will fail. Do not deposit on the constructor if you don't implement ERC1155Receiver. During the construction, the minting will succeed but you will not be able to withdraw or mint new shares from the contract. If this happens, transfer your shares to an EOA or fully ERC1155 compatible contract._


contract IERC20 stakedToken


struct Distributions.Balances _activeStake


struct Distributions.Balances _inactiveStake


mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => struct Timers.Timestamp)) _lockingDelay


struct Distributions.Balances _rewards


mapping(uint256 => struct Distributions.SignedBalances) _released


mapping(uint256 => bool) _deprecated_frozen


uint64 _withdrawalDelay


address _treasury


contract IStakeSubjectGateway subjectGateway


uint256 slashDelegatorsPercent


contract IStakeAllocator allocator


mapping(uint256 => uint256) openProposals


uint256 _reentrancyStatus










event StakeDeposited(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address account, uint256 amount)


event WithdrawalInitiated(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address account, uint64 deadline)


event WithdrawalExecuted(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address account)


event Froze(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address by, bool isFrozen)


event Slashed(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address by, uint256 value)


event SlashedShareSent(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address by, uint256 value)


event DelaySet(uint256 newWithdrawalDelay)


event TreasurySet(address newTreasury)


event StakeHelpersConfigured(address subjectGateway, address allocator)


event MaxStakeReached(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject)


event TokensSwept(address token, address to, uint256 amount)


event SlashDelegatorsPercentSet(uint256 percent)


error WithdrawalNotReady()


error SlashingOver90Percent()


error WithdrawalSharesNotTransferible()


error FrozenSubject()


error NoActiveShares()


error NoInactiveShares()


error StakeInactiveOrSubjectNotFound()


string version


constructor(address _forwarder) public


function initialize(address __manager, contract IERC20 __stakedToken, uint64 __withdrawalDelay, address __treasury) public

Initializer method, access point to initialize inheritance tree.

Name Type Description
__manager address address of AccessManager.
__stakedToken contract IERC20 ERC20 to be staked (FORT).
__withdrawalDelay uint64 cooldown period between withdrawal init and withdrawal (in seconds).
__treasury address address where the slashed tokens go to.


function setReentrancyGuard() public

Reinitializer to setup the reentrancy guard (introduced in v0.1.2)


function _setStatus(uint256 newStatus) internal virtual


function _getStatus() internal virtual returns (uint256)


function treasury() public view returns (address)

Returns treasury address (slashed tokens destination)


function activeStakeFor(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) public view returns (uint256)

Get stake of a subject (not marked for withdrawal).

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of stakedToken actively staked on subject+subjectType.


function totalActiveStake() public view returns (uint256)

Get total active stake of all subjects (not marked for withdrawal).

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of stakedToken actively staked on all subject+subjectTypes.


function inactiveStakeFor(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) external view returns (uint256)

Get inactive stake of a subject (marked for withdrawal).

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of stakedToken still staked on subject+subjectType but marked for withdrawal.


function totalInactiveStake() public view returns (uint256)

Get total inactive stake of all subjects (marked for withdrawal).

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of stakedToken still staked on all subject+subjectTypes but marked for withdrawal.


function sharesOf(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address account) public view returns (uint256)

Get (active) shares of an account on a subject, corresponding to a fraction of the subject stake.

This is equivalent to getting the ERC1155 balanceOf for keccak256(abi.encodePacked(subjectType, subject)), shifted 9 bits, with the 9th bit set and uint8(subjectType) masked in

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
account address holder of the ERC1155 staking shares.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of ERC1155 shares account is in possession in representing stake on subject+subjectType.


function totalShares(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) external view returns (uint256)

Get the total (active) shares on a subject.

This is equivalent to getting the ERC1155 totalSupply for keccak256(abi.encodePacked(subjectType, subject)), shifted 9 bits, with the 9th bit set and uint8(subjectType) masked in

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 total ERC1155 shares representing stake on subject+subjectType.


function inactiveSharesOf(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, address account) external view returns (uint256)

Get inactive shares of an account on a subject, corresponding to a fraction of the subject inactive stake.

This is equivalent to getting the ERC1155 balanceOf for keccak256(abi.encodePacked(subjectType, subject)), shifted 9 bits, with the 9th bit unset and uint8(subjectType) masked in.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
account address holder of the ERC1155 staking shares.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of ERC1155 shares account is in possession in representing inactive stake on subject+subjectType, marked for withdrawal.


function totalInactiveShares(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) external view returns (uint256)

Get the total inactive shares on a subject.

This is equivalent to getting the ERC1155 totalSupply for keccak256(abi.encodePacked(subjectType, subject)), shifted 9 bits, with the 9th bit unset and uint8(subjectType) masked in

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 total ERC1155 shares representing inactive stake on subject+subjectType, marked for withdrawal.


function isFrozen(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) public view returns (bool)

Checks if a subject frozen (stake of frozen subject cannot be withdrawn).

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
Name Type Description
[0] bool true if subject is frozen, false otherwise


function deposit(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 stakeValue) external returns (uint256)

Deposit stakeValue tokens for a given subject, and mint the corresponding active ERC1155 shares. will return tokens staked over maximum for the subject. If stakeValue would drive the stake over the maximum, only stakeValue - excess is transferred, but transaction will not fail. Reverts if max stake for subjectType not set, or subject not found.

NOTE: Subject type is necessary because we can't infer subject ID uniqueness between scanners, agents, etc Emits a ERC1155.TransferSingle event and StakeDeposited (to allow accounting per subject type) Emits MaxStakeReached(subjectType, activeSharesId) WARNING: To stake from another smart contract (smart contract wallets included), it must be fully ERC1155 compatible, implementing ERC1155Receiver. If not, minting of active and inactive shares will fail. Do not deposit on the constructor if you don't implement ERC1155Receiver. During the construction, the minting will succeed but you will not be able to withdraw or mint new shares from the contract. If this happens, transfer your shares to an EOA or fully ERC1155 compatible contract.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
stakeValue uint256 amount of staked token.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of ERC1155 active shares minted.


function migrate(uint8 oldSubjectType, uint256 oldSubject, uint8 newSubjectType, uint256 newSubject, address staker) external

deposits active stake from SCANNER to SCANNER_POOL if not frozen. Inactive stake remains for withdrawal in old subject Burns active stake and shares for old subject.

No slash has been executed, so new SCANNER_POOL share proportions apply.


function _getInboundStake(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 stakeValue) private view returns (uint256, bool)

Calculates how much of the incoming stake fits for subject.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 valid subect type
subject uint256 the id of the subject
stakeValue uint256 stake sent by staker
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 stakeValue - excess
[1] bool true if reached max


function initiateWithdrawal(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 sharesValue) external returns (uint64)

Starts the withdrawal process for an amount of shares. Burns active shares and mints inactive shares (non transferrable). Stake will be available for withdraw() after _withdrawalDelay. If the subject has not been slashed, the shares will correspond 1:1 with stake.

Emits a WithdrawalInitiated event.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
sharesValue uint256 amount of shares token.
Name Type Description
[0] uint64 amount of time until withdrawal is valid.


function withdraw(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject) external returns (uint256)

Burn sharesValue inactive shares for a given subject, and withdraw the corresponding tokens (if the subject type has not been frozen, and the withdrawal delay time has passed).

shares must have been marked for withdrawal before by initiateWithdrawal(). Emits events WithdrawalExecuted and ERC1155.TransferSingle.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of withdrawn staked tokens.


function slash(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 stakeValue, address proposer, uint256 proposerPercent) external returns (uint256)

Slash a fraction of a subject stake, and transfer it to the treasury. Restricted to the SLASHER_ROLE.

This will alter the relationship between shares and stake, reducing shares value for a subject. Emits a Slashed event. Unallocated stake if needed. A slash over a DELEGATED type will propagate to DELEGATORs according to proposerPercent.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
stakeValue uint256 amount of staked token to be slashed.
proposer address address of the slash proposer. Must be nonzero address if proposerPercent > 0
proposerPercent uint256 percentage of stakeValue sent to the proposer. From 0 to MAX_SLASHABLE_PERCENT
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 stakeValue


function _slash(uint256 activeSharesId, uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, uint256 stakeValue) private

burns slashed stake from active and/or inactive stake for subjectType/subject.

Name Type Description
activeSharesId uint256 ERC1155 id of the shares being slashed
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
stakeValue uint256 amount of staked token to be slashed.


function freeze(uint8 subjectType, uint256 subject, bool frozen) external

Freeze/unfreeze withdrawal of a subject stake. This will be used when something suspicious happens with a subject but there is not a strong case yet for slashing. Restricted to the SLASHER_ROLE.

Emits a Freeze event.

Name Type Description
subjectType uint8 type id of Stake Subject. See SubjectTypeValidator.sol
subject uint256 id identifying subject (external to FortaStaking).
frozen bool true to freeze, false to unfreeze.


function _migrateFrozenToOpenProposals(uint256 activeSharesId) private

If there is open cases before upgrading to openProposals (frozen == true), we increment as an extra proposal and set to false. There could be more than 1 open, in that case SLASHING_ARBITER_ROLE should be cautious with not unfreezing. This method will be obsolete when all the _deprecated_frozen are false

Name Type Description
activeSharesId uint256 of the subject


function sweep(contract IERC20 token, address recipient) external returns (uint256)

Sweep all token that might be mistakenly sent to the contract. This covers both unrelated tokens and staked tokens that would be sent through a direct transfer. Restricted to SWEEPER_ROLE. If tokens are the same as staked tokens, only the extra tokens (no stake) will be transferred.

WARNING: thoroughly review the token to sweep.

Name Type Description
token contract IERC20 address of the token to be swept.
recipient address destination address of the swept tokens
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 amount of tokens swept. For unrelated tokens is FortaStaking's balance, for stakedToken its the balance over the active stake + inactive stake


function relayPermit(uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external

Relay a ERC2612 permit signature to the staked token. This cal be bundled with a {deposit} or a {reward} operation using Multicall.

Name Type Description
value uint256 amount of token allowance for deposit/reward
deadline uint256 for the meta-tx to be relayed.
v uint8 part of signature
r bytes32 part of signature
s bytes32 part of signature


function _beforeTokenTransfer(address operator, address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] amounts, bytes data) internal virtual

See {ERC1155-_beforeTokenTransfer}.


function stakeToActiveShares(uint256 activeSharesId, uint256 amount) public view returns (uint256)

Convert active token stake amount to active shares amount

Name Type Description
activeSharesId uint256 ERC1155 active shares id
amount uint256 active stake amount
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 ERC1155 active shares amount


function stakeToInactiveShares(uint256 inactiveSharesId, uint256 amount) public view returns (uint256)

Convert inactive token stake amount to inactive shares amount

Name Type Description
inactiveSharesId uint256 ERC1155 inactive shares id
amount uint256 inactive stake amount
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 ERC1155 inactive shares amount


function activeSharesToStake(uint256 activeSharesId, uint256 amount) public view returns (uint256)

Convert active shares amount to active stake amount.

Name Type Description
activeSharesId uint256 ERC1155 active shares id
amount uint256 ERC1155 active shares amount
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 active stake amount


function inactiveSharesToStake(uint256 inactiveSharesId, uint256 amount) public view returns (uint256)

Convert inactive shares amount to inactive stake amount.

Name Type Description
inactiveSharesId uint256 ERC1155 inactive shares id
amount uint256 ERC1155 inactive shares amount
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 inactive stake amount


function setDelay(uint64 newDelay) external

Sets withdrawal delay. Restricted to DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE

Name Type Description
newDelay uint64 in seconds.


function setTreasury(address newTreasury) external

Sets destination of slashed tokens. Restricted to DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE

Name Type Description
newTreasury address address.


function configureStakeHelpers(contract IStakeSubjectGateway _subjectGateway, contract IStakeAllocator _allocator) external


function setSlashDelegatorsPercent(uint256 percent) external


function setURI(string newUri) external

Sets URI of the ERC1155 tokens. Restricted to DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE

Name Type Description
newUri string root of the hosted metadata.


function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address sender)

Helper to get either msg msg.sender if not a meta transaction, signer of forwarder metatx if it is.


function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes)

Helper to get if not a meta transaction, forwarder data in metatx if it is.


uint256[36] __gap