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struct ForwardRequest {
  address from;
  address to;
  uint256 value;
  uint256 gas;
  uint256 nonce;
  uint256 deadline;
  bytes data;




error DeadlineExpired()


error SignatureDoesNotMatch()


constructor() public


function execute(struct Forwarder.ForwardRequest req, bytes signature) external payable returns (bool, bytes)

Executes a ForwardRequest (meta-tx) if signature is verified, deadline is met and nonce is valid

This implementations allows for out of order execution, by allowing several "timelines" per nonce by splitting the uint256 type space into 128 bit subspaces where each subspace is interpreted as maintaining an ordered timeline. The intent of the design is to allow multiple nonces to be valid at any given time. For a detailed explanation: For an example on how to leverage this functionality, see tests/forwarder/forwarder.test.js Will emit NonceUsed(user, timeline, nonce) for better reporting / UX WARNING: failed transactions do not consume a nonce, unlinke regular ethereum transactions. Please make use of the deadline functionality, and if you want to cancel a request, submit a successful transaction with the same nonce.

Name Type Description
req struct Forwarder.ForwardRequest ForwardRequest to be executed
signature bytes EIP-712 signature of the ForwardRequest
Name Type Description
[0] bool (success, returnData) of the executed request
[1] bytes



event NonceUsed(address user, uint256 timeline, uint256 nonce)


error InvalidNonce(uint256 nonce)


mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) _nonces


function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32)

Domain Separator as defined in EIP712

Name Type Description
[0] bytes32 keccak256(typeHash, nameHash, versionHash, block.chainid, address(this))


function getNonce(address from) public view virtual returns (uint256)

Gets nonce for the from address in the "default" timeline

For a detailed explanation:

Name Type Description
from address address
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 nonce


function getNonce(address from, uint256 timeline) public view virtual returns (uint256)

Gets nonce for the from address in the specified timeline

For a detailed explanation:

Name Type Description
from address address
timeline uint256 where the nonce lives
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 nonce


function _verifyAndConsumeNonce(address user, uint256 fullNonce) internal virtual

Extract timeline from nonce, iterates it to consume it, checks for replay protection.

emits NonceUsed(user, timeline, nonce). WARNING: Failed transactions would not consume a nonce, since the reverted transaction won't be able to save in storage.

Name Type Description
user address address sending the nonce.
fullNonce uint256 nonce and timeline info in uint256 space