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CLI Commands

The following sections describe the CLI commands available to bot developers. You can always use forta-agent help to get a quick overview of these commands, as well as details about specific commands e.g. forta-agent run help.

Invoke commands programmatically

You can invoke the available CLI commands programmatically in NodeJS using the exported configureContainer method. This method returns a dependency injection container that can be used to access different commands. It accepts an optional object of arguments that will configure its behaviour, the most important of which is contextPath which points to the bot directory that you are running commands for (defaults to current working directory if not specified). For example, if you wanted to invoke the init command it would look like the following:

const { configureContainer } = require("forta-agent");

const pathToBotDirectory = "/Desktop/my-bot";
const container = configureContainer({ contextPath: pathToBotDirectory });
const init = container.resolve("init");
await init();

The above code snippet will initialize a Forta bot at the specified contextPath (creating the folder if it does not exist). All the CLI commands are asynchronous so you will need to await them. Similarly, you can resolve other commands that are listed below.

Exposing the CLI functionality enables developers to integrate with other tools. The first example of such an integration is the Forta Hardhat plugin. We look forward to seeing the new and creative ways developers will integrate this functionality into their own toolset!


Using the npx forta-agent@latest init command, you can quickly initialize a Forta bot Javascript project inside of the current working directory. The starter project includes some default configuration files as well as an example bot implementation. A keyfile and forta.config.json file will also be generated for you and placed in the ~/.forta folder if they do not already exist. You will be prompted to enter a password that will be used to encrypt the keyfile. This keyfile will be used later when publishing your bot.


--typescript - initialize Typescript project
--python - initialize Python project

Example: Initialize a Typescript Project

$ npx forta-agent@latest init --typescript


Easily verify the behaviour of your bot during local development using the forta-agent run command. The default behaviour (i.e. without any options) is to subscribe to a JSON-RPC endpoint and listen for the latest blocks and transactions. A stream of the latest data will be passed to your bot with any findings printed to your output console. The endpoint is specified by the jsonRpcUrl property in the forta.config.json file.


--tx - run your bot with a specific transaction hash
--block - run your bot against a specific block number/hash, including the transactions in the block
--alert - run your bot against a specific Forta alert hash
--sequence - run your bot against a sequence of tx/block/alert events
--range - run your bot against a specific range of block numbers
--file - run your bot against a JSON file of test data
--prod - used for running the bot inside of a production environment i.e. you probably won’t need this during development
--config - specify a config file to use (default: ~/.forta/forta.config.json)
--nocache - disables writing block/tx data to local disk cache (but reads are still enabled)

Example: Run a specific transaction (or a comma-delimited list)

$ forta-agent run --tx 0xf9c43e15ef2abfec163ec3b1165f18a5119ba119b6e059fc924903e5251e3543

or if using locally installed package

$ npm run tx 0xf9c43e15ef2abfec163ec3b1165f18a5119ba119b6e059fc924903e5251e3543

Example: Run a specific block by number (or a comma-delimited list)

$ forta-agent run --block 12821978

or if using locally installed package

$ npm run block 12821978

Example: Run a specific block by hash (or a comma-delimited list)

$ forta-agent run --block 0x9e052eb02a3849b650e8b9e0a47b1fae194b928c930168ef19e311dbd7886172

or if using locally installed package

$ npm run block 0x9e052eb02a3849b650e8b9e0a47b1fae194b928c930168ef19e311dbd7886172

Example: Run a specific Forta alert (or a comma-delimited list)

$ forta-agent run --alert 0x40ba810affa9ae3df9420be08fdb2f5db1122ce6a3ea8f6ec87016905d870082

or if using locally installed package

$ npm run alert 0x40ba810affa9ae3df9420be08fdb2f5db1122ce6a3ea8f6ec87016905d870082

Example: Run a sequence of blocks, transactions and Forta alerts

$ forta-agent run --sequence 0x40ba810affa9ae3df9420be08fdb2f5db1122ce6a3ea8f6ec87016905d870082,12821978,tx0xf9c43e15ef2abfec163ec3b1165f18a5119ba119b6e059fc924903e5251e3543

or if using locally installed package

$ npm run sequence 0x40ba810affa9ae3df9420be08fdb2f5db1122ce6a3ea8f6ec87016905d870082,12821978,tx0xf9c43e15ef2abfec163ec3b1165f18a5119ba119b6e059fc924903e5251e3543

Example: Run a specific block range

$ forta-agent run --range 12821978..12821980

or if using locally installed package

$ npm run range 12821978..12821980

Example: Run an input file

$ forta-agent run --file ./

or if using locally installed package

$ npm run file ./


Deploy your bot to the Forta network using the forta-agent publish command. This will build a Docker image for your bot and publish it to the image repository. Also, it will create a bot manifest which includes the Docker image reference, sign the manifest using your keyfile (you will be prompted for password), store it on IPFS and publish the IPFS reference to the Bot Registry contract.


--config - specify a config file to use (default: forta.config.json)


Push your bot image to a repository where scan nodes can find it. This will build and push your Docker bot image (but will not add it to the bot registry). Intended to be used as part of the Forta App bot deployment flow.


--config - specify a config file to use (default: forta.config.json)


Stake on your detection bot to make it operational on the Forta Network. This command will deposit a stake of 100 FORT tokens on your detection bot (if not already staked).


--agentId - specify an agent ID to stake on (defaults to this bot)


Retrieves logs for specified bot id and prints them to the console. The default agentId is read from forta.config.json unless specified.

Options (optional):

--agentId - Specify a bot id to request logs for

--before - An ISO timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmZ] representing the latest time to include in logs

--after - An ISO timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmZ] representing the oldest time to include in logs

--scannerId - Filter to only return logs of a given scannerId


Inspect the state of your bot. This command prints the bot's IPFS metadata to the console as well as recent bot events. The default agentId is read from forta.config.json unless specified.

Bot events include:

  • Bot Created
  • Bot Enabled/Disabled
  • Bot Updated

Options (optional):

--agentId - Specify a bot id to request info about


Disable your deployed bot and stop it from running on the Forta network by using forta-agent disable. Your Docker image will still be publicly available, but scan nodes will know not to run your bot.


Enable your bot and start execution on the Forta network by using forta-agent enable. By default, your bot is enabled when you deploy to the Forta network. Only use this command if your bot is currently disabled.


You can print out information about your keyfile, including its absolute path and address, using the forta-agent keyfile command.